We aspire for children at our school with SEND to:
- achieve their best
- become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and
- make a successful transition to secondary school, and thus a firmer foundation into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training.
SENCO Details
SENDCo Miss A Oakman
SENDCo Mr Scranage
Please make contact through the school office.
Telephone – 0116 269 2509 or E-mail
Useful Websites
- SENDIASS Leicestershire is an independent service that offers free, confidential and impartial information, advice and support to parents and carers of young people aged 0- 25 with SEND as well as young people themselves.
- Council For Disabled Children Fact sheets, films and posters designed to help parents, carers, children and young people understand some of the key themes of the new SEND reforms including EHC Plans, Post-16 support, the Local Offer and making decisions.
- Local Offer Find information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities all in one place - this is known as Leicestershire's 'Local Offer'. Facebook page
- British Dyslexia Association The BDA aims to influence government and other institutions to promote a dyslexia friendly society, that enables dyslexic people of all ages to reach their full potential.