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Church Hill C of E Junior School
"Let Your Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16)

Our Faith

What do parents say about how the Christian character and values of the school have had an impact on their family?

“The school support us in times of need.” 2024

“Having faith helped my child overcome a family break up.” 2024

“Giving our children the opportunity to bring home the prayer book has allowed me to share my thoughts with my child.” 2024

“The value Koinonia- the community charity collection received strong support from the neighbourhood community.” 2024

“We have made lots of friends through school and the church activities.” 2024

“Appreciation of other religions and cultures.” 2024

“Xxx suggests prayers and dinner and so on.” 2024

'My mother is a Christian and shares the same values as the school so my child loves to share her thoughts and the school's influence with her' 2023

'Xxx has a better awareness of the wider communities and has a better understanding of diversity' 2023

'Being a Hindu, our child is raised in a spiritual atmosphere and the school is doing a great job at this aswell- I accept it' 2023'

'Koinonia was a new term for us! Really enjoyed completing the values homework' 2023

'Xxx always shows appreciation and gratitude when she gets home' 2023

This is shown through the opportunities my child is given and the chances they are given which helps build their confidence. This is something that encourages them to try new things and be the best they can be' 2022

'Xxx has really enjoyed learning about these values. When she arrived home she would sing the song and tell us all about it. She had such a wonderful glow!' 2022

'We are a Christian family. I can see Xxx shows kindness with his church friends. He learnt to pray from Churchill. I’m very happy with my child’s behaviour.' 2022

'When raising money for UNICEF – outside of school hours – my daughter still wants to carry on raising money for different charities.' 2022

'We pray more often.' 2022

'Our child inspired us to sacrifice a ‘something’ for lent and we did for 40 days which we have never done before and we will do again.' 2022

Monday Prayer

Thank you for the world so sweet,

Thank you for the food we eat,

Thank you for the birds that sing,

Thank you, God, for everything.


Tuesday Prayer

Understanding the Lord's Prayer Line By Line – Our Father









Wednesday Prayer

God be in my head, and in my understanding;

God be in my eyes, and in my looking;

God be in my mouth, and in my speaking;

God be in my heart, and in my thinking;

God be at my end, and at my departing.

Thursday Prayer

May God The Father bless us,

may Christ take care of us,

the Holy Ghost enlighten us all the days of our life.

The Lord be our defender and keeper of body and soul,

both now and for ever, to the ages of ages. 

Friday Prayer






[Available from]


Lunchtime Prayer:

A prayer written by the children, selected each day from their class prayer book. 

End of Day Prayer:

A prayer shared by the member of staff leading our Get Together. 

Our School Prayer:

Click here to find out more about our 'Global Neighbours'!