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Church Hill C of E Junior School
"Let Your Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16)

House Captain Elections!

The House Captain elections have taken place and we now have our new captains for 2023-2024!!

At the start of term, children have been focusing on our value of Democracy, and the importance it has in everyday life. They have used their democratic vote when electing our House Captains for 2023-24. Every candidate completed an application form and then presented a speech, justifying why they should be voted House Captain. Each house member, then voted for who they believed would do the best job in that role. Here are our winning candidates!


Balmoral - Saarah and Dhruv, Kensington - Elsie and Krish, Sandringham - Lola and Umang, Windsor - Pixie and Seb.


Well done to everyone who applied and was confident enough to deliver their speech.

You can find more information about our house system here

Keep up with our Twitter page to find out what the House Captains get up to! @ChurchHillJS