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Church Hill C of E Junior School
"Let Your Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16)

Latest News

Click on the articles below to find out what has been happening in school.

Page 17

  • Eco warriors are Eco winners

    Published 19/03/19

    Water poster competition winners

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  • Science Day

    Published 12/03/19

    Science Day Assembly

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  • Recycling Week

    Published 12/03/19

    Recycling Week

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  • Thurmaston Family Bonfire

    Published 08/10/18

    We are pleased to announce that Thurmaston Scouts and Guides are holding their annual fireworks display at school again this year.

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  • Open Evening

    Published 24/09/18

    Open Evening

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  • Plant a Bulb Week

    Published 24/09/18

    Plant a Bulb Week

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  • Science Day

    Published 20/03/17

    On Friday 10th March we celebrated Science Day. The day started with a fantastic whole school assembly by Mad Science. Mad Science then worked with all of the classes, carrying out various exciting experiements. The children also found out about a modern day scientist. The investigations didn't stop there. All of the children took home a science pack to carry on at home.


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  • Young Writers Poetry Competition

    Published 16/03/17

    Once Upon A Dream

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  • GPS Workshop

    Published 16/03/17

    On Tuesday 31st January we held a Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling workshop for parents. We outlined strategies and helpful advice for how parents can best support their children at home in these areas. We also shared with them end of KS2 SATs expectations. Thank you to the parents and children who were able to attend for the way you participated in the activities and for the very positive feedback we received.

    Ms Callaghan, Mrs Heath and Mrs Brown

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  • Gold Music Award !

    Published 03/03/17

    Church Hill Junior School are delighted to have received the top Leicester-Shire Schools Music Service Quality Music Award on January 27th.  Only 5 schools across the City and the County received the award this year.  It celebrates the excellence in the teaching of music across the school.


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  • Amazing success of our Family Reading Cafe

    Published 03/03/17

    At 8am our school doors opened to our first ‘Family Reading Café’. It was a huge success! Our school canteen and hall were full of parents, staff and children enjoying scrumptious breakfast delights whilst sharing reading and discussing the books and characters.

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  • Ofsted Inspection......We are a 'Good' School !!!

    Published 31/01/17

    The staff and governors were delighted to receive the Ofsted report which really reflects the ethos of our school, the caring attitude of the whole school community and the hard work of our staff and governors. We knew we were a ‘Good School’ and it is good to get that recognition the second highest grade to be awarded – the Inspectors also highlighted many outstanding features and exemplary practice moving us towards an outstanding school!

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff, governors and parents for their outstanding contribution to the life of our school, for their hard work and support in giving all the children in our school a great all round education and many exciting learning opportunities across the curriculum and for your contribution to make us the school we are and a school to be proud of.

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