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Church Hill C of E Junior School
"Let Your Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16)

Latest News

Click on the articles below to find out what has been happening in school.

Page 14

  • Year 3 Nativity

    Published 17/12/21

    Year 3 Nativity

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  • House Points total w/e 19/11/2021

    Published 19/11/21

    Balmoral had the highest total this week with 997 points!

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  • Shine a Light on The Rule of Law

    Published 19/11/21

    Each fortnight we will focus on one of the school's value.  This fortnight we will shine a light on.....

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  • House points total for week ending 5/11/21

    Published 09/11/21

    House points total for w/e 5/11/21.

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  • This fortnight we are shining a light on.........................

    Published 03/11/21


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  • School Council - A vote for a new council!

    Published 17/10/21

    To begin the new school year at Church Hill C of E Junior School, each class was given the opportunity to vote for two pupils to represent them on the school council. Each candidate had to give a short speech to their class about why they would be the best representative for them, before a secret ballot was democratically held.

    During our first half-term as a school council, we have been helping Mrs Brown decide upon a new name for our school’s assemblies, a name which will encourage everyone who attends to let their light shine! We look forward to announcing the new name shortly!

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  • This fortnight we are shining a light on.........

    Published 17/10/21


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  • House Totals 8/10/2021

    Published 08/10/21

    Balmoral had the highest weekly total at 907 house points.

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  • House Points - 24/09/2021

    Published 24/09/21
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  • House Points

    Published 03/09/21

    House points total for 15/10/21. Balmoral had the highest weekly total with 768 points.

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  • Year 6 Caythorpe Residential 2021

    Published 29/06/21
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  • This Fortnight's Value - RESPONSIBILITY

    Published 11/06/21

    Each fortnight we will be focusing on one of the school values

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