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Church Hill C of E Junior School
"Let Your Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16)

French Day 2025!


The children at Church Hill have had a French-filled day!

All children visited our very own French café and ordered their own croissant or pan aux chocolat and drink in French- all served by the Year 6 waiters and waitresses who also spoke in French! A huge thank you to the PTA who fully funded this experience. 

The National Curriculum expects children to hear a poem, song, rhyme and story in French. Year 3 enjoyed the poem ‘Moi’, Year 4 the rhyme ‘Les Animaux’, Year 5 the songTête, épaules, genoux, pieds…’ and finally Year 6 the story ‘Toutes les Couleurs’.

Following this, pupils wrote letters including names, ages, hometowns, pets, favourite sports and favourite lessons. I will be taking a few to France during half-term in hope to get a letter written back to them.

Pupils finished the day by studying a French artist- Matisse, Seurat, Monet or Van Gogh. Do ask them all about it!

Have a look at our Instagram page to see lots of pictures and videos @chjs.leics.inst

Une journée chargée!

Mrs Sudera