French Day 2024!
The children at Church Hill have had a French-filled day!
All children visited our very own French café and ordered their own bread, cheese and drink in French- all served by the Year 6 waiters and waitresses who also spoke in French!
The National Curriculum expects children to hear a poem, song, rhyme and story in French. Year 3 enjoyed the poem ‘Moi’, Year 4 the rhyme ‘Les Animaux’, Year 5 the song ‘Tête, épaules, genoux, pieds…’ and finally Year 6 the story ‘Toutes les Couleurs’.
Following this, pupils wrote to our link school in France, Offranville! Letters included names, ages, home towns, pets, favourite sports and favourite lessons. We cannot wait to hear back from them!
Pupils finished the day by studying a French artist- Matisse, Seurat, Monet or Van Gogh. Do ask them all about it!
Une journée chargée!
Mrs Sudera