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Church Hill C of E Junior School
"Let Your Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16)

The School Council for 2023-24 has been decided!

Children have voted and results have been sent through to Mrs Sudera! The school councillors for 2023-24 are...

Our School Council


3JS- Billy, 3AO- Nancy, 3/4RS- Ella, 4KK- Ridhaan, 4SD- Raya, 5SP- Layla, 5GF- Starlah-Rose,

6EH- Umang, 6SP- Amelia, 6SL- Nylah

We look forward to working with the school council this year to make a positive change in line with pupil voice and vision. Look out for their bright yellow badges, shining with pride. 

Meetings start next week so get ready to work!

Mrs Sudera :)